The most significant piece of the incomplete 5G puzzle is the web of networking cables crisscrossing the country that will bring information from all over the world right to your fingertips.
But unlike a 4G signal, which has a range of 10 miles, 5G will require towers within a few hundred yards of the connected device to ensure signal strength and speed.
The company that builds this structure essentially owns a “tollbooth” that America’s largest firms will have to pay over and over again.
And there’s one company that literally owns this entire fiber network.
All of the wireless carriers and pretty much every big name in communication already have contracts in place with this company.
In fact, the ONLY cities in the entire country with 5G coverage are located right on this company’s fiber network.
Even the U.S. government is paying to get its secured communications on this critical piece of infrastructure.
Quite simply: This company owns more fiber networks than anyone else in America.
We know that pure ground-floor opportunities like this don’t last for long.
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