Content Sponsored By: Legacy Research Group
I just got back from Trump Tower…
And based on what I saw there, I’m prepared to put my reputation on the line.
Since 2016, my investment recommendations have averaged 154% per year.
(That’s 10x the S&P. And 81 times the average investor, according to JP Morgan.)
However, one investment I just uncovered could top them all…
You won’t believe what I found in New York..
It involves President Trump, billions of dollars, huge banks, as well as Warren Buffett.
Not to mention a MAJOR upgrade to our credit and debit cards…
If you make just one investment in this new decade, I recommend this be it.

As you’ll see in the video, an important event just happened on January 1, 2020, that will set this technology flying. But that’s not the only one… There are no less than 3 major catalysts for the tech I call “Genesis” that will occur in 2020. You can find out all about them here.