This Isn’t Just Another Crash

Story originally published here.

Like addicts who cannot control their cravings, financial analysts cannot stop themselves from seeking some analog situation in the past which will clarify the swirling chaos in their crystal balls.

So we’ve been swamped with charts overlaying recent stock market action over 1929, 1987,2000 and 2008 — though the closest analogy is actually the Oil Shock of 1973, an exogenous shock to a weakening, fragile economy.

But the reality is there is no analogous situation in the past to the present, and so all the predictions based on past performance will be misleading. The chartists and analysts claim that all markets act on the same patterns, which are reflections of human nature, and so seeking correlations of volatility and valuation that “worked” in the past will work in 2020.

Does anyone really believe the correlations of the past decade or two are high-probability predictors of the future as the entire brittle construct of fictional capital and extremes of globalization and financialization all unravel at once?

Here are a few of the many consequential differences between all previous recessions and the current situation.

Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor: “Millions of Americans are in DANGER”

America could be facing a catastrophe that will catch most people by surprise…
And no, it’s not the coronavirus.
But this historical event will change America forever.
Most Americans have no idea what’s about to hit them in the coming days.
Which is why I’m urging Americans to take these 5 steps right now.

$2 EV Stock No One's Talking About

This company is a sneaky EV play that no one’s talking about. They’re producing an odd variation on the traditional EV that has consumers raving.

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$30 Stock Freaking Out Billionaires

This stock is an industry leader in a robotics technology that is freaking out billionaires (trading for just $30).

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The Best TaaS Stock Right Now

This company is set to corner the market in a self-driving technology that  could fundamentally change our entire society – much like the internet did.

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Up to 20,000 IPOs All in One Day

A radical $2.1 quadrillion shift is coming to the financial markets.

Some are calling it G.T.E. and Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and even banks like J.P. Morgan are invested in the tech behind it.

Just $25 could get you in alongside these billionaires. 

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53-cent Biotech Stock with $2 Price Target

Steve Cohen, the billionaire stock picker known for running one of the most successful hedge funds ever, has poured millions into the first stock, and it’s trading for only 53 cents.

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