Should the meteoric rise of the Dow Jones, S&P, and NASDAQ be a warning sign of something much more explosive approaching?
According to one renowned Wall Street analyst, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud the answer is yes.
In a startling interview he warns that the U.S. bull market is entering a brand-new phase of growth, one that could mean big changes for an entire generation of Americans.
Thankfully it isn’t bad news for savvy folks . In fact, it could be an opportunity to get in on some of the biggest gains of the decade, including what could be the #1 Stock Pick of 2020.
Dr. Steve Sjuggerud and his colleagues are worth paying attention too, after all they’ve accurately predicted some of the most dramatic financial events of the last quarter-century, all while delivering more than a dozen 1,000% recommendations.
Enter your email address below to get immediate access to his interview along with the top free stock picks for 2020. We’ll also send you ongoing updates from Stock Market Junkie.
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